
Todd Chrisley Was in Therapy Ahead of Prison Sentence, Savannah Reveals

Chrisley Knows Best fans (and others who feel entertained while following the family’s downfall) have heard a lot about Todd and Julie Chrisley’s lives behind bars.

But now, their eldest daughter is speaking less about their day-to-day misery and more about their state of mind.

Before going to prison, Savannah reveals, her infamous father attended therapy.

And she could see a change come over Todd before he began serving his sentence.

In the video that you can see below, Chrisley Knows Best star Savannah Chrisley is opening up about her dad’s growth.

On her Unlocked podcast, she shared that Todd Chrisley phased out relying upon “his humor to cope with a lot of things.”

Why? Because of his therapy sessions.

“I would say in the past years, he was in a lot of therapy,” Savannah shared.

She then pointed out that there had been “a lot of things happening in our life.” Well, yes.

These were things “that caused him a lot of trauma.”

Savannah added that her father was also “just dealing with his own mental health.”

So, what changed?

Well, her father became more direct and honest … or so she characterized.

“He has started to … use his words a little more,” Savannah went on, as if describing a toddler.

But in this instance, she mean that her father was communicating with words “instead of his humor.”

“And,” Savannah went on, “he’s able to discuss things better.”

“He’s more patient,” Savannah Chrisley then went on to claim about her dad.

“He’s able to dig deep into it,” she said of personal and emotional problems, “instead of using humor as a deflection.”

Overall, Savannah expressed, seeing Todd and Julie in their current predicament had really shown her that “our parents are human too.”

“I think it finally made me realize, OK, my parents aren’t super humans. They’re not superheroes,” Savannah described.

Just for the record, most adults already know this about their own parents. And no one on the planet thought that Todd and Julie were anything of the sort.

“They’re human beings,” Savannah acknowledged, “and they go through stuff like the rest of us do.”

“They can’t fix everything. They can’t,” Savannah then lamented.

“And that was a big point for me, and I think it really broke my heart,” she expressed.

Savannah explained: “because I was like, What, they can’t fix everything?”

“But, watching my parents evolve and grow into the people they are today, It’s been such an honor,” Savannah expressed.

She said that this was “because I see especially in my dad like where he once was and where he is now.” We wonder if anyone else has witnessed this alleged growth.

“And I’ve never been so proud of a person as I am of him, to see that growth that’s happened,” Savannah gushed. “So it is really awesome as their daughter to sit back and watch it.”

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