
Sybil the Psychic Predicts GH Spoilers: Charlotte’s Web Of Destruction

GH spoilers show that Valentin’s little angel, Charlotte, is not so angelic. In fact, she’s practically demonic. The Cassadine darling is starting to show signs that she is more like Grandpa Victor than her grandmother, Laura. From the grave, Victor has sicced her on Anna. What will Valentin do about it? Can he stop her before she goes too far? I, Sybil the Psychic, plan to look into her future and see what’s in store for Charlotte.

GH Spoilers: The Bad Seed

By examining my crystal ball, laying out the cards, and reading the tea leaves, I plan to predict what’s coming up for Charlotte (Scarlett Fernandez). But I make no promises because let’s face it – it’s not an exact science (and I’m not really that…talented). Okay, Let’s take a plunge into the unknown.

General Hospital: Near Future

The crystal ball shows that Scarlett received tarot cards and a letter from her late grandfather, Victor (Charles Shaughnessy), warning her that Anna (Finola Hughes) was a threat to Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) and that it was up to her to do ANYTHING in her power to prevent it. Clearly, the evil gramps is still pulling strings from the other side, and the young lady has fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. Anna has lost her home and all of her belongings, and her reputation — and her trust in Valentin has been broken. The question now is how much of Anna’s torment is she really responsible for, and will Charlotte be stopped? Let’s see what the cards have to say.

GH Spoilers: Picture Anna Dead

Charlotte pulled the Death card, oh my, which signifies dramatic change and destruction. There are two sides to this card, but both mean a drastic change. Could it be that she realizes that her grandfather was truly a bad man, and she chooses to break away from all his lies? Get therapy and gain a new perspective? Or will she embrace the Cassadine legacy of lies, manipulation, and torment?

Valentin has always been preoccupied with one lady love or another and wrestling with the Cassadine’s evil history, neglecting Charlotte all the while. If he takes the time to give Charlotte the loving home life she so craves, will it make a difference? Surely, with a little time and nurturing, the young lady will see the error of her ways and embrace a normal life. Maybe if she allowed herself to be more distracted by her budding romance with Jake (Hudson West), she wouldn’t worry about Anna dating her father (if they even have a relationship after all this).

The card hints that a major event looms on the horizon. One that could change the path of Charlotte’s life forever. Something will be lost in the process, but something else will be gained. The Death card calls for her to face the future, whatever it may be, with her whole heart (keyword: heart), accept the change, and move into a new beginning.

Further Into Charlotte Cassadine’s Future

In reading these tea leaves, I, Sybil the Psychic, spy an owl, which indicates sickness or poverty. Charlotte may feel a sense of loss or remorse moving forward. The changes she faces will be uncomfortable. Sybil says, “This too shall pass!”

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