
GH Spoilers Speculation: Ava Reacts This Way To Austin’s Nik Secret

GH spoilers were filled with Ava Jerome being pretty sure she’d killed her estranged husband, Nikolas. It’s one of the reasons she bonded with Austin, who helped her hide — and then lose — the body. So how will Ava react when she learns that Austin actually saved and kept Nik alive — for his own reasons?

GH Spoilers Speculation: Giving Thanks

Ava (Maura West) will be so happy that she didn’t murder Nik (Adam Huss), she won’t care about anything else. Austin (Roger Howarth) will have gotten her out of a moral, not to mention legal, dilemma, and that will be enough for her to forgive and forget. And cover up.

General Hospital: Second Degree Murder

Ava will respond to learning she didn’t kill Nikolas by wanting to kill Austin for making her think that she had. Ava can lie and deceive whenever she feels like it. But woe be to anyone who does the same to her. She thought Austin was on her side. Or, at least, that they had similar motives. Now that she knows he was actually working against her the entire time, she will treat him like all her other enemies. Remember her crawling through ducts to carry out a hit? Yeah. Like that.

GH Spoilers: Two Is Better Than One

But ultimately, we don’t see why Ava can’t do both. Why can’t she be grateful to Austin AND want to kill him for keeping her in the dark? The first part is about not needing to fear being tried for murder. The second part is about punishing Austin for making her think she might someday be tried for murder. Ava is a very intelligent woman. She can keep two conflicting thoughts in her mind at the same time. She might even whisper, “Thank you,” as she slices his throat.

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