
Todd Chrisley Writes A Book In Prison?

Todd Chrisley and his wife, Julie communicate while they sit in prison and their daughter, Savannah hinted that might be working on a book together. At least, it’s what she omitted to say that makes it likely that a book will come along one day. Read on to find out how she hinted at the possibility.

Todd Chrisley & Julie Communicate In Prison

Todd Chrisley - Youtube
The Chrisley Knows Best alums can’t just pick up the phone and call each other any time they feel like it. In fact, Savannah noted that it’s not allowed. However, they do communicate via email. It’s a long time until the former USA Network stars see each other in person. Of course, they appeal their case, so that might change. Actually, progress on the reduction of their sentences goes ahead.

Recently, a legal rep for Todd Chrisley and his wife sounded optimistic that the couple might get further reductions. In the meantime, he’s not giving up on their appeal. Bear in mind, that they received harsh sentences for tax and fraud-related crimes. A combined 19 years stretched out ahead of them when they arrived at their respective prison camps. Recently, Savannah told The Daily Mail that they preferred to face their long sentence rather a “take a plea” for something they didn’t do.

Todd Chrisley & Julie Might Be Writing A Book

Chrisley Knows Best Chase Chrisley Julie Todd Chrisley Writes A Book In Prison Savannah YouTube
It might take a long time, and probably, their emails get checked by prison staff, but it seems that they might accomplish a tell-all memoir. Savannah didn’t actually say that they write a book. However, she claimed that she doesn’t know. She simply replied when asked, “They may be working on books, they may. Who knows?” Please! Everyone knows that their daughter and her brother know everything about what goes on with them in prison.

Savannah was able to tell the outlet that Todd Chrisley and her mom “[Are] definitely documenting every little thing that goes on.” If they end up publishing a book, it seems that they might actually talk about more than snakes in the prison, or the airconditioning being turned off. Hinting at something deeper, the sister of Chase and Grayson talked about those people who get “lost.” Disappearing inside the system seems terrible. She added, “…people on the outside “don’t seem to care to hear their stories.”

The Show Goes On

Savannah isn’t sitting and doing nothing about Todd and Julie Chrisley locked up in prison. In fact, she spends her time tirelessly bringing their plight to the attention of her fans. Additionally, she now works hard while calling for prison reforms. Soon, she and her brothers and Chloe will be in a new reality show. Apparently, it shows how they navigate life without their mom and dad.

Do you think that Todd and Julie might be writing a book together? What might it be about? Will you read it if it hits the bookstores? Let us know in the comments below and come back here for more news about the former stars on Chrisley Knows Best.

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