
Can Gladys Be Redeemed on GH? — Bonnie Burroughs Speaks Out!

When Bonnie Burroughs was offered the role of Gladys on GENERAL HOSPITAL, it was supposed to be just for a very short run. But as it expanded over time and she found herself playing out a very juicy frontburner storyline, has Gladys gone so far that she will have to be written out?

“I had been offered a part for like, a day or two,” Burroughs revealed during a chat on Soap Opera Digest’s podcast, Dishing With Digest. “So I did not audition for the part. Which is dreamy, because auditions are stressful and painful. So a job that I think was meant for a pretty short term just kind of kept going.”

So a gig that was originally pitched as just a couple of days in September 2019 has continued for nearly four years! Still, Burroughs is aware of the ebb and flow of storylines in daytime and knows this, too, must come to an end. “People’s stories come and go,” she mused. “And I feel like, I don’t know, maybe my story’s gonna…” The actress stopped short and quickly declared: “I don’t know what’s gonna happen to her, people!”

Gladys Corbin was always a selfish schemer, but stealing Sasha’s money to pay off her gambling debts was pretty bad. Then, things got even worse when she teamed up with Dr. Montague to keep Sasha unbalanced enough to continue requiring a guardian so she could maintain access to her cash!

“My take on her was you know, [she’s] not had an easy ride,” Burroughs said. “It’s been rough. And it’s caused her to do some really stupid and destructive things. And she keeps digging the hole deeper! I love Gladys. I stand by her. She is not evil. From my point of view, yes, she screws up. Yes, she’s done a lot of damage. And the road to hell is paved with Gladys’ good intentions!”

However, seeing just how bad Sasha’s condition was in Ferncliff, Gladys felt awful and has been trying to rescue her from Dr. Montague’s clutches. But would that good deed be the start of a redemption arc for the character, or has she gone too far to be redeemed at this point?

“I’ve expressed a little anxiety with Maurice [Benard, Sonny] and Kirsten [Storms, Maxie] about, ‘Oh my God, my character, she gets so much hate online.’” Burroughs confided. But after her GH co-stars informed her of the horrible things their own characters had done in the past, she felt better. “To be told-slash-reminded of the awful things that people do on soaps just by definition is very reassuring to me. I could come back. But it’s a privilege to play such a wrecking ball. I realize how lucky I am.”

So stay tuned to see if Gladys can turn her life around, and make sure you share your own opinion on the character in our online poll below!


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