
General Hospital Spoilers: Is Felicia’s New Career Track Mismanaged Writing — Or Does This Hit Closer To Home?

General Hospital Spoilers reveal Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) was taken by Stella Henry’s (Vernee Watson) approach at comforting the loved one of a patient at GH. Mac Scorpio (John J. York) had recommended the hospital when Felicia expressed an interest in exploring what to do with the next phase of her life. Having nothing to keep her busy while Mac is working has worn on her, and dabbling in her PI past recently with Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) reminded her how good it felt to be useful again.

While she’s not wanting to get back into that world of work, she does want to help people. But fans are wondering why the sudden switch to softening Felicia and putting her in a role that doesn’t suit her character’s history.

General Hospital Spoilers — GH, Or Someplace Else?

General Hospital: Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner)
It’s still too soon to say where Felicia will end setting up shop. She knows she wants to spend her time with intention and really have an impact on people’s lives.

That’s a good starting point. Kristina Corinthos Davis (Kate Mansi) is opening a youth center for LGBTQIA+ persons soon, and that might be a good fit for Felicia to help struggling young people.

But again, too soon to say. Watching Stella convey the risks and benefits of treatment and procedures to a patient’s daughter made a real impact on Felicia though, and now her eyes are opened to a new way she might be able to help out in her community.

GH Spoilers – Hint Mac Scorpio Knows His Wife Well

When Felicia was hinting around toward finding something else to do with her free time, she was really eager to worm her way into the PCPD. Mac didn’t seem all that on board with her idealistic plan. The two of them…working together…every day?

Maybe that’s not the best fit for a happy marriage, even all these years later. When they were younger, they loved to go on adventures together and take out the bad guys left and right.

But Felicia was always a bit more keen on bending the rules than Mac was, and that hasn’t likely changed given her recent risky move breaking into an attorney’s office and rifling through private client files.

General Hospital Spoilers — Kristina Wagner’s Grief

Fans are making sense of the major shift in Felicia’s character by looking away from the fiction and closer at her real life.

Kristina Wagner and Jack Wagner (who used to play the role of Frisco Jones on GH), lost their son — Harrison Wagner — to addiction in June of 2022.

It was a battle he waged for years, and fans are expressing support for any theory that points Felicia in the direction of helping similar troubled youth.

Will a patient advocate at GH become her springboard into social work where she can help struggling addicts through recovery? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to find out.

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