
‘Alaska: The Last Frontier’: Are Jane And Atz Lee Kilcher Still Together?

Right now, a lot of Alaska The Last Frontier fans are asking if Atz Lee and Jane are still together.

There are a lot of rumors swirling around the couple that found fame on the Discovery reality series.

Here is the latest news.

Atz Lee Is Divorcing Jane

Atz Lee and Jane are no longer together. On Sunday, Jane Kilcher went to Facebook to reveal that her husband was divorcing her.

Atz Lee, Jane Kilcher - Instagram

Here we go. Atz Lee is divorcing me and it is very unfortunate but I cannot control it. Lost my best friend and it hurts but I guess that is life. It won’t stop me. ❤️

Jane did not share any timelines of when this happened, or any details of what transpired between her and Jewel’s brother.

Atz Lee, Jane - Instagram

This news comes as a shock, as many of Jane’s social media posts are confirmations that the couple were still together. That is not the case now.

This once loving couple is no longer a family. What do we know about them?

Alaska The Last Frontier Stars Met As Pre-Teens

Although Jane and Atz Lee have been on Alaska The Last Frontier for over a decade, they have kept some of their private lives private. That includes how often Jane and Atz Lee’s children, Etienne and Piper have appeared on the Discovery series.

Etienne has been on the series quite a bit, while Piper was very shy about being in front of the screen.

Etienne is a son from Atz Lee’s first marriage to Nantia Krisintu, while Piper is Jane’s daughter from her first marriage to Dicron Kassouni.

Atz Lee, Jane Kilcher, Piper, Etienne - Instagram

Years ago, Jane has made it clear that her mother and her daughter Piper were not interested in being on camera. But, they were were there with her. They were just not in front of the lens.

The Kilchers were always careful about keeping some things private, while sharing a good chunk of their lives to the public. That includes when the couple met.

Every September 14, on Jane’s birthday, she always counts down the number of years that the couple first met. She had been 12 when he was two years younger.

But, we don’t have the circumstances of how the two found each other again. Eventually, they each married other people and became parents before they wound up connecting and creating a life together. They married in November 2006.

Since then, the two have been a solid couple, which was especially important to Atz Lee after he suffered a horrific injury.

Atz Lee’s Injury And Journey

Back in 2015, Atz Lee Kilcher was injured in a horrific fall. He was hiking in Otter Cave, near Homer, AK. There, he fell off a cliff. He broke his arm, should, ankle, and hip. He punctured his lungs and crushed some ribs. He was lucky to be alive.

Jane had to nurse him back to health, as well as fend for the family. They can’t just go to the grocery store to get food and supplies. They spend months stocking up during the summer to prepare for the long winter. Now Jane had to step up and do it all.

Atz Lee injury - Instagram

After he healed, Atz Lee focused on building a cabin in the deep woods. Jane was angry and bitter at him for doing this. He spent so much time away from his family. As for Atz Lee, he needed to see if he still had his previous strength.

Did he build up his physical strength enough to enable him to live this life in the wilderness? He certainly did. He built a cabin in the woods and got back everything. But, he did this on his own.

Now, Jane and Atz Lee are apart and on their own. He has yet to comment on social media about the split. Jane has just posted her statement and nothing more.

Alaska The Last Frontier fans, do you have any theories about this shocking split? Please leave your comments below.

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