
GH Spoilers Speculation: Cyrus Sees The Light…Literally

GH spoilers want us to think that Cyrus’ near-death experience is yet another step in his ongoing path to becoming a better man. Except, we’re confused. Didn’t he already find religion and promise an end to his wicked, wicked ways? So which one is it? He’s turned into a good guy? Again?

GH Spoilers Speculation: I Really Mean It This Time

It’s the difference between learning from a book and from real life. Previously, Cyrus (Jeff Kober) did a quick read of the Bible, and decided, “Hey, maybe I’ll try being like that Jesus guy.” People seemed to love him. I’ll, uhm, do good deeds, stop blackmailing people, and maybe cut back a little on the murder. Yeah, that seems like the right course to take.

But, it was all theoretical. Now that he’s actually almost died, seen the light, and his family members chatting with him – though, we’re confused; we thought a near-death experience was supposed to reunite you with dead loved ones, Laura (Genie Francis) is alive, as far as we know – Cyrus can actually feel the need for goodness.

Cyrus Renault: Take Two

So, the first conversion didn’t take. But this second one totally will. Good-by, criminal evil-doing, hello, Wizard of Oz Scarecrow like good-deed doing. First and foremost, Cyrus will do the most important thing of all. He will make sure that Drew (Cameron Mathison) is rewarded for saving Cyrus’ life. No solitary confinement. Instead, Drew deserves a ticker-tape parade…and a full pardon.

Cyrus won’t even mind that he’s been left behind to rot in prison, as he can continue being a saint better from behind bars. It will be like The Green Mile. Maybe he’ll make friends with a mouse. The point is, get ready for an all-new and improved Cyrus!


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