
GH Spoilers Speculation: Brook Lynn Takes on Tracy

GH Spoilers Speculation

Lois was no pushover. We’ll give her that. She raised a tough kid. But if that gave Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) that false confidence to think she’s tough enough to take on Tracy (Jane Elliot), then Brook Lynn better think it out again.

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On the one hand, Brook Lynn is already way, way behind where her scheming grandma was at her age. Has Brook Lynn stood staring out the window while her daddy — also named Edward, for the record — faked a heart attack and begged for his out-of-reach medication? No. She has not. And until she’s willing to play in those kinds of big leagues, Tracy will continue to crush her like a bug.

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On the other hand, Tracy (Jane Elliot) does love her granddaughter. She doesn’t so much want to hurt Brook Lynn as she wants to teach her. And one of the things a good teacher periodically does is give the student a win — even if they don’t necessarily deserve one. It’s a way of encouraging them, boosting their confidence, and sharpening their skills. Tracy may do that once or twice for Brook Lynn. Just to keep the game going.

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But, in the end, Brook Lynn will only best Tracy if she emulates Tracy at her best. Does Grandma have heart problems? Does she need medication? If the student is to become the master, then the student had better pay more attention. Less reading textbooks and more fieldwork. You can’t do this with one foot in the Nice Girl camp. It’s Full Tracy…or nothing.

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