
GH Spoilers Speculation: Chase Turns in Brook Lynn Quartermaine

GH spoilers promise yet another lie gets between Chase and Brook Lynn. Just when will these two stop lying about babies, lost jobs, musical careers, and dirty financial dealings and settle down to be a normal, loving couple?

GH Spoilers Speculation

Never, that’s when. That’s never going to happen. Not after Chase (Josh Swickard) eventually learns about Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) and Tracy’s (Jane Elliot) latest corporate espionage plot. Will the straight-arrow cop turn in his crooked cutie? Here’s what you predict will happen.

General Hospital: Broken Base

Chase has sworn to protect and serve. He is an officer of the court. His job is to catch bad people doing bad things and read them their rights. What happens next is out of his hands. That’s why 15% of the audience is convinced that Chase will do what is right and slap the cuffs on Brook Lynn. He’ll turn her over to the District Attorney. And let Robert (Tristan Rogers) decide what happens next. He’s just doing his job, ma’am.

GH: Hide and Seek

Chase has helped Brook Lynn with her cover-ups before, 23% of voters remind. Remember when she claimed to be little Bailey’s mother, and Chase stepped up to play Daddy? You speculate that he’ll do it again. Chase knows that the law doesn’t always work. He knows mistakes are made. And he knows that guilty people very often go free. So why shouldn’t Brook Lynn? And why shouldn’t he help her? He can be a bad boy, too. He just needs a little practice first.

GH Spoilers: Turn the Tables

But 62% of fans want to split the difference. You predict that Chase should threaten to turn in Brook Lynn…but only so that she can, in turn, turn on Grandma Tracy. That way, Chase can feel good about bringing a bad lady to justice while keeping his own bad lady safe.

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