
Unveiling the Mystery: Speculating Portia’s Secret and Trina’s Character Development on GH

Unveiling the Mystery: Speculating Portia’s Secret and Trina’s Character Development on GH

GH spoilers promise a continuing medical crisis for Curtis. Usually, General Hospital patients wake up from a coma either with amnesia or pregnancy. Here’s hoping that won’t be the case for Curtis. But you never want to let a good medical crisis go to waste! So before Curtis makes a full, handsome as ever recovery, let’s throw a little wrinkle into the process.

GH Spoilers Speculation
Poor, suffering Curtis (Donnell Turner) needs a blood transfusion. Let’s say Marshall (Robert Gossett) can’t do it because he still has medication in his system. And Aunt Stella (Vernee Watson) can’t do it because…uhm…she’s anemic. So that leaves his newfound daughter, Trina (Tabyana Ali). (And the entire blood bank, but let’s pretend it’s closed for remodeling.)

General Hospital Plot Twist
We know that Trina is Curtis’s biological daughter because there just was a paternity test. And those never go wrong at GH. Except that, when it comes time to donate, Trina…isn’t a match. Oops. Portia (Brook Kerr) gets the results. She realizes what it means. But she decides to keep the latest development a secret.

GH Spoilers: Keeping the Peace
Portia and Curtis are married now. He’s so happy to be a family with their daughter. That is, after he left Portia for lying to him, kissed Jordan, then decided to return to his wife, after all. That was already a lot of newlywed drama. Portia doesn’t want to go back to those days. Taggert’s (Réal Andrews) heart has already been broken. The damage is done. Why go back to that heartbreak? Better to leave things the way they are. Why rock the boat?


Curtis Ashford: Reason to Live
We can’t blame Portia for assuming that Curtis wouldn’t want to live just for her. Heck, he was barely willing to avoid kissing his ex-wife just for her. But he should be willing to live for Trina. Portia is a doctor. She knows that’s how medical science works. So, really, she’s doing this for Curtis. Just like always.

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