
Days of Our Lives: Megan Pulls A Mega Stunt, Kidnaps Gabi From Engagement Bash

Days of Our Lives: Megan DiMera is proving herself to be the fiercest DiMeras of them all! She has definitely inherited the highest amounts of evil genes from her father than any of her DiMera siblings. Currently, she is moving forward at the speed of lightning in her quest to wipe off the other DiMera heirs so that she can rule the entire family fortune with her son, Dimitri! She recently joined forces with Li Shin to plan Stefan’s murder at his own engagement party! However, the spoilers tease that her plan may hit a snag and another key character may get caught up in the crosshairs.

A Reprogrammed Harris Disrupts Gabi and Stefan’s Engagement Party

Days of Our Lives
Kate had been anticipating that Megan would somehow manage to create havoc on Days of Our Lives. After all, she has suffered Megan’s villainy firsthand not too long ago. Thus, she entrusted Harris with the task of killing Megan off for the good of the rest of Salem. However, Harris couldn’t find it in himself to shed blood anymore. Thus, he decided to kidnap Megan and keep her captive. Unfortunately, his plans were derailed when Li Shin managed to abduct him instead! Moreover, he has now offered Harris to Dr. Rolf for reprogramming.

Li and Megan are hoping that when Harris gets reprogrammed on Days of Our Lives, they can get him to kill Stefan. However, the latest spoilers tease that their plan will get botched at the eleventh hour! After a reprogramming session, Harris will manage to gate crash Stefan and Gabi’s engagement party, but the attendees will manage to contain Harris before he ever gets a chance to hurt Stefan. Moreover, Harris will end up exposing Li, who, in turn will expose Megan! Leo start will fill up any remaining blanks by freeing EJ and Kristen from the secret room. Does this mean Megan has been cornered? Or will she manage to pull one last stunt to save her skin? Find out below!

Days of Our Lives: Mayhem Ensues, Gabi Get’s Kidnapped

After Li’s confession and EJ and Kristen’s resurfacing, it might start to look like the walls are closing in on Megan on Days of Our Lives. But Megan Hathaway Dimera is not who she is without any reason! This devious feline surely has 900 lives! Hence, there is a valid possibility that despite getting cornered, she might find a way to slip away into freedom! But what will Megan really do with so many people rallying against her? Why, take a hostage, of course!

What better getaway plan than having a hostage in tow that everyone wants to keep safe? Stefan may have survived Megan’s attempt through Harris, but the love of his life might just get trapped in Megan’s claws next! The latest Days of Our Lives spoilers tease that after Stefan and Gabi’s engagement party is ruined and mayhem ensues, Gabi will get snatched. Considering that Megan needs to get away quickly, she will take Gabi with her as leverage. However, the spoilers also reveal that Gabi will get rescued, but Megan will manage to ride into the sunset around July 6, 2023.

But will that be the end of Megan’s reign of terror on Days of Our Lives? Well, it’s unlikely! She won’t give up her ambitions so soon! So her rivals better watch their back because this Diva may strike back when they are least expecting!

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