
Todd Chrisley’s Cellmate’s Identity Leaked: Who Is It?

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After doing a bit of deep diving, Internet sleuths were able to uncover the identity of Todd Chrisley’s cellmate at the Pensacola Federal Prison Camp. So, who is the disgraced reality TV king currently bunking with behind bars?

Todd Chrisley’s Cellmate’s Identity Leaked: Who Is It?

Turns out, Todd Chrisley’s cellmate behind bars at the Pensacola Federal Prison Camp is a man named William ‘Rick’ Singer. Now, Rick Singer doesn’t have the same celebrity status as Todd Chrisley. He, however, did make headlines as the mastermind behind the “Operation Varsity Blues” college admissions bribery scandal.

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In January of this year, Rick Singer received a sentencing of 3.5 years behind bars in federal lockup. CNN reports Todd Chrisley’s new cellmate was at the center of a massive college admissions scam. The scam involved wealthy parents paying huge bribes to sidestep standardized tests and influence university staff that had a hand in college admission.

Per his BOP file, Rick Singer is scheduled for release on January 29th, 2026. So, he and Todd could be bunking for a few years.

In chatter on Reddit, some Chrisley Knows Best fans admit the irony of Rick having such a light sentence compared to Todd doesn’t escape them.

One fan explained: “He made many millions with his fraud but bc he helped the govt with their investigation, admitted guilt and expressed remorse, he only got 3 years. Chrisleys could have done the same.”

Another fan chimed in pointing out that many people came forward to tell Todd and Julie Chrisley to take a plea deal including Bravo’s Joe and Teresa Giudice. Because Todd and Julie opted not to take a plea deal and maintained their innocence, the judge threw the book at them with their sentencing.

Fans Say Exposure Will Go To His Head

In chatter on Reddit, fans agree Todd Chrisley’s exposure to Rick Singer and other “famous” inmates will go to his head. Fans fully expect Todd to brag about some of the individuals he spent time with during his time behind bars.

The original fan who brought up the bragging on Reddit explained: “You just KNOW Todd is going to sashay out of there bragging about all the slightly famous whitecollar criminals he did time with. Just like he bragged about having Usher and Chipper Jones living in their neighborhood.”

Todd Chrisley is reportedly looking worse for wear as he cannot color his hair or continue to get his beloved Botox. Unfortunately, fans have not been able to get eyes on Todd. Even his mugshot is under lock and key right now.

Do you have any thoughts on the identity of Todd Chrisley’s cellmate? Let us know what you think in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for more Chrisley news.


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