General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Dies Redeeming Himself To Laura?

General Hospital spoilers tease that Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and Laura Collins (Genie Francis) have recently challenged Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) to put his money where his mouth is.

As viewers know, Cyrus recently blackmailed Austin Gatlin-Holt (Roger Howarth) into testifying that he was too feeble to hurt anyone and that it would be best if Cyrus were released from prison to live out the rest of his life.

Cyrus has claimed to have found religion and has turned his life around, but whether that is completely true remains to be seen.

General Hospital Spoilers – Cyrus Renault Could Be The Big Bad!

As viewers know, someone has been killing various members of organized crime both in and out of Port Charles.

General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Dies Redeeming Himself To Laura?

Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Bernard) and Selina Wu (Lydia Look) have already been attacked while Olivia Jerome (Tonja Walker) and Austin have died at their hands.

Cyrus, a former drug kingpin, has so far managed to stay out of the assassins’ line of fire. He could be just lucky or possible he’s behind the attacks to eliminate the competition.

GH Spoilers – Cyrus Renault Wants To Spread The Word!

But according to Cyrus, he is now on the straight and narrow and only wants to share the Word of God. He already has a group that he speaks to inside Pentonville.

Now, he’s expanded his reach with a radio ministry, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and Laura Collins (Genie Francis) both heard Cyrus’ broadcast and it gave them an idea.

Thee is an inmate at Pentonville who may know who is killing the other mob related victims. They have asked Cyrus to reach out to the inmate to try to find the name of the person or persons behind the attacks.

General Hospital Spoilers – Cyrus Renault May Learn Too Much!

Assuming the ministry isn’t just a cover, Cyrus may very well be able to learn the identity of the true killer. But if he’s not responsible that means he will likely be attacked. He may learn who the killer is only to become their newest target.

The question remains whether he can reveal what he knows or if he will take it to his grave, finally achieving the redemption he’s been craving all this time.

If he does survive, it could mean that Laura will finally open up her arms to her brother. Time will tell if her trust is warranted or not.

GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?

Has Cyrus really reformed? Is he using his radio show for nefarious purposes? Will he discover the information that Anna and Laura need?

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