General Hospital Needs To Hang Up Elizabeth And Finn’s Romance (Fifth Time Is Never The Charm!)

“General Hospital” is in such disarray right now that it’s unsurprising to see them push together another couple that doesn’t make sense. There’s so much that the beloved soap opera is doing wrong these days that it feels disheartening to keep adding to the pile, but it’s necessary. Between Michael and Willow being an insufferable couple, the highly questionable writing for “Sprina” (aka Spencer and Trina), and the unnecessary focus on Carly Spencer, the show is downright awful.

Rebecca Herbst has been incredible in the role of Elizabeth Webber for the last 25 years. However, the writing provided for her character and the choices Elizabeth makes are often atrocious. Elizabeth’s been in some of the greatest love stories in the show’s history, but recently, they just can’t seem to get it right. After killing off Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth) — another horrendous decision — they paired Elizabeth with Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton).

Franco and Elizabeth were an example of a relationship that developed organically. They had hilarious banter between them, and he worked hard to establish relationships with each of her boys. After his murder, Finn was a shoulder for Elizabeth to lean on, and their mutual hatred of his killer, Peter August (Wes Ramsey), helped expedite their growing bond. They had a mutual enemy (aka Peter) in common, and it masqueraded as romantic feelings. The entire basis for their sham of a relationship was simply helping each other clean up one chaotic situation involving Peter after another. That’s not love, that’s convenience.

Elizabeth and Finn have no chemistry whatsoever

Elizabeth Webber and Hamilton Finn are giving their relationship another go, despite it being an abysmal failure during all of the previous incarnations. One of the largest issues facing the other versions of their relationship was the dreadfully slow pace at which it moved. It was a lot of start and stop with very little fanfare. Resulting from their lack of chemistry, there have never really been any sparks between the pair. Elizabeth and Finn are always taking things slow, talking about their kids, or working through one mega-crisis after the other. There have never been any monumental personal moments between them, either.

Michael Easton posing at an event

In fact, the most Elizabeth and Finn have ever truly bonded was when they were covering up Peter August’s supposed murder during his reign of terror on “General Hospital.” They grew closer trying to cover up his alleged death, but once it was revealed that he didn’t die from his tumble down the stairs, the cracks in their foundations showed.

The biggest problem began when Elizabeth had memory problems and would black out randomly. At first, it appeared as if the blackout moments were attributed to the death of Franco, but it became clear that something more sinister was at play. Something from Elizabeth’s past was coming back to haunt her, to warn her, but she couldn’t quite understand what occurred.

Elizabeth was made to forget what she did to Finn’s wife

It wasn’t until she took a trip to see her mother and father for the first time in decades that Elizabeth uncovered the root of her memory lapses. She was slowly remembering an incident that occurred that claimed the life of a woman, and the ultimate revelation of who was harmed in the incident doomed her relationship with Finn.

Rebecca Herbst posing at an event

Amid the memory struggles, Finn became a controlling presence in her life, going behind Elizabeth’s back on several occasions and revealing sensitive info to her friends and family. Any time Elizabeth appeared to be going through something, Finn was too willing to spill it all. The secrets and lies caused several problems between them and became a pattern for the rest of their relationship.

After being retold the story by her mother, someone familiar with hypnosis, it was exposed that Elizabeth had discovered her father was having an affair with Finn’s wife, Dr. Reiko Finn (Mele Ihara), and Elizabeth caused Reiko to fall down the stairs during a tussle. Her parents came to the decision to use hypnosis to force her to forget the incident so she wouldn’t be wracked with guilt. After Hamilton Finn’s wife “fell” down the stairs,  she landed in the hospital, which made her susceptible to the infectious disease that ultimately claimed her life.  Once Finn learned about this, he and Elizabeth took a (sensible) break from each other.

The writers are using Curtis’ trauma to give Finn and Liz another shot


This death tore him apart, and he blamed himself. Elizabeth became the woman who inadvertently lead to Reiko’s death, so naturally, the relationship was once again put on pause. The couple took some time away from each other after this reveal, but ultimately Finn and Elizabeth reunited. Of course, they started out as just friends, but their path was obvious. They had minor breakups along the way, which makes it feel like the fifth time giving this dead-on-arrival relationship another go.

Rebecca Herbst posing

To make things even more perplexing, “GH” is using Curtis Ashford’s (Donnell Turner) shooting to push Finn and Liz again. First, they were thrust into yet another emergency moment together, forced to work together to save Curtis’ life.  Then, once Curtis was stable, instead of having them talk through their issues, work them out, or even acknowledge them, they are playing matchmaker between Curtis and his estranged wife, Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr).

To cover up the fact that Finn and Liz have nearly no chemistry and have fundamental issues in their relationship, they’re having separate scenes where they try to convince Curtis and Portia to reunite. They’re more invested in the drama of everyone around them, and that’s why this relationship hasn’t ever worked and never will. There’s nothing wrong with them as people per se, but together, they’re uninspiring, held together only by some sort of trauma in their lives.

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