General Hospital: Esme & Ace Paternity Shocker?

General Hospital villainess Esme Prince could very well be sitting on a giant secret that would rock Port Charles to its core on the ABC daytime drama.

General Hospital: Esme Prince Raging Mad

Recently, on GH, Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss) walked off with baby Ace Cassadine (Clay twins). So, Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) is raging at Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez) for letting his bad daddy take her tot. But could GH have an epic twist in store?

I want to talk about something the ABC soap opera could do that would make this daddy dilemma even more soapy and dramatic. Now, let’s unpack what could be an unexpected hitch in Nik’s plans and — Spencer’s too.

Huge Twist Coming on GH?

I’ve seen comments literally going back more than a year where fans really hope that Nikolas isn’t baby Ace’s dad. Many are certain that he’s the son of Spencer Cassadine. First, I want to tell you why at this point, given the known history of General Hospital, it’s just not possible.

And then we’re going to talk about how they could easily tweak things to make it true. The reason Spencer felt comfortable backing away from playing daddy to his brother Ace was that first of all, Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali) insisted on it.

She wasn’t having him playing house with his ex anymore and gave him an ultimatum — and Spencer gave in. But that’s when he thought Esme Prince was just a harmless amnesiac on General Hospital. Now that Esme’s got her memories back – as Spencer’s very certain of – all bets are off.

So, that’s part of the reason that Spencer let Nikolas take the kid. To Spencer, Nikolas is the lesser of two evils – not nearly as bad as Esme. And he’s Ace’s biological father. But what if he weren’t?

Esme Hiding Massive Secret on General Hospital?

Can you imagine Spencer’s reaction if he found out after he let Nik take Ace that Esme’s been hiding a much bigger secret? She’s been an amnesiac since just before she gave birth to little.

So, there’s a chance something’s in her memories that viewers don’t know. But given what we do know, Spencer’s not the daddy.

Spencer Wouldn’t Touch Esme on GH

So, if you don’t recall, Spencer kept dating Esme even though he’d fallen head over heels for Trina. This was back when Esme did the revenge porn thing, taping Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) and Cameron Webber (William Lipton). Then, sending it to everyone at PCU.

And recall, Esme framed Trina, who was on trial and facing jail time. Spencer kept dating Esme so that he could search her things and stay close to her to try and get evidence to exonerate Trina. His plan didn’t work – eyewitness testimony saved her.

General Hospital: Esme Prince (Avery Pohl) - Ace Cassadine (Jay & Joey Clay)

And of course, Trina didn’t know until much later that Spencer was really on her side and doing everything he could to clear her name. So, remember back when Spencer was searching her things and had found the pills she used to dose Trina? He also found some letters from her nanny, Maggie.

Around that time, Esme kept trying to get frisky with him and he kept making excuses. He didn’t want to kiss her – he didn’t want her touching him – none of it. And Esme complained that they hadn’t been intimate in a long time on General Hospital.

And then, once the trial came down in Trina’s favor, Spencer dumped Esme hard. In the interim, she was pregnant because a couple of months before the trial ended, Esme seduced Nikolas on her dad’s orders.

And she hadn’t slept with Spencer for a long time before that. So, with all the known General Hospital history, that is definitely Nikolas’ kid. But GH could easily do one thing to undo all that and make baby Ace the son of Spencer instead of Nikolas. All it would take is one flashback scene.

General Hospital Retcon Makes Spencer the Daddy?

Remember, Esme had those pills she gave to Trina the night she recorded the secret sex tape. And recall Trina was totally out of it and then conked out. GH could easily do a flashback scene where Esme used those drugs on Spencer and did the deed with him.

They could show her being frustrated that Spencer was pushing her aside and her deciding to take what she wanted from him.

It could literally be done by taping one scene. And if they went this route, then it’d be really interesting. If General Hospital writers really want to twist things, this is one surefire way to do it.

Esme on Her Way Out

Also, since they don’t seem to be keeping Nikolas around, why not swap the paternity so Ace can stay and have a daddy in town? Surely, Esme must be leaving Port Chuck soon. With her memories back, she’ll have to run or face prison time once it becomes common knowledge.

And we could have Ace with Spencer and Trina. But I have to say that even though I think it’d be amazing to swap baby Ace’s paternity, I don’t think they’re going to do it. But if they wanted to, that little flashback scene I just described could do it.


They could film it in just a few minutes and totally undo all of the paternity stuff. Can you imagine how stunned Spencer would be if Esme told him that he just handed over his son to the neglectful daddy who didn’t raise him right? Man – that would be so very soapy and messy.

I know Spencer wouldn’t let Nikolas raise a house plant that belonged to him, much less a kid. Spencer’s being pretty smug about letting Nikolas take Ace. And while I’m no fan of Esme, I think it’d be pretty funny if she knocked the smug smile off his face by dropping a baby paternity bombshell.

Do I think it’d be a good plot? Yes. Do I think GH will go there? Unfortunately, no, but we can always hope. Don’t miss a minute of the ABC soap opera to see if Esme lied about Nik being the father of her son. It would certainly flip Spencer’s world upside down.

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