General Hospital Spoilers: A New Evil Pairing, Nina And Cyrus Join Forces

Nina, perhaps, is one of the least-liked residents of Port Charles. General Hospital spoilers reveal that she might soon embrace the disdain many of her fellow PC city express towards her and jump to the dark side. Not that she hasn’t done questionable things before. But most of them were pretty redeemable. In fact, even her latest mess-up that is winning her so much hatred was, in fact, just reporting a real crime.

General Hospital spoilers - Sonny and Cyrus

So, it seems that she may finally rationalize that if she can’t win them over, then better run them over. Well, not literally, but figuratively, of course. General Hospital spoilers spill that Nina has managed to call a truce with Cyrus. By giving him what he was asking for. She has secured Sonny’s freedom from any and all charges filed by the baddie. But here’s the thing: it seems like this is not the end of the road.

General Hospital Spoilers: Cyrus Proposes A Deal To Nina

Cyrus, being Cyrus, won’t just let such a lucrative opportunity slip through his fingers. He may have agreed to call off the charges against Sonny. But he still has an agenda to fulfill. And this is where Nina comes into play. She is most certainly a resourceful woman. Moreover, it is an added advantage that she doesn’t mind treading the grey areas. But that was till the time she was on her own. If Cyrus exploits their deal and makes Nina his accomplice, he will surely pull her to the dark side!

General Hospital Spoilers - Cyrus- Nina

If Nina can do so much damage being grey, imagine the kind of fury she will unleash, turning full-blown dark mode. Honestly, if you ask us, we are whole-heartedly rallying behind this destructive alliance. General Hospital spoilers reveal that in the upcoming episodes, Nina will be in the middle of some proverbial carnage. Earlier, we thought it would be due to her scheming with Valentin. But what if it also has a Cyrus angle to it? That would certainly spice up things in town.

However, we wonder who the target of all these schemes would be. Carly and Drew again? Tell us in the comments.

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