
Why Josslyn Jacks and Dex Are The GH Version of Ken and Barbie

America has been swept by Barbie fever, and General Hospital is no exception. But instead of simply dressing up in pink to watch the multiplex blockbuster, Port Charles has given us the soap opera version of Barbie and Ken in Joss and Dex. How, you may ask? Let us count the ways!

Josslyn Jacks: She’s a Barbie Girl

We are not suggesting that Joss (Eden McCoy) is Barbie simply because she’s a beautiful blonde. That would be shallow and not at all what Barbie is about. We are suggesting that Joss is Barbie because she’s a beautiful blonde who only wants to hear from people who think, act, and speak exactly like her.

She lives in her own world, where every day is perfect because every day is exactly how Joss wants it to be. And because everyone around her lives to support and praise her. Oh, and also because she is utterly confident that she could be a teacher, a doctor, a judge, even President if only she puts on the right outfit.

GH: In a Barbie World

We are not suggesting that Dex (Evan Hofer) is Ken simply because he’s often shirtless and tousle-haired. We are suggesting that Dex is Ken because he’s a little confused about what his job is. We’re pretty sure he doesn’t think it’s “beach.” But we wonder if he thinks it’s “mob.” Or “spy.” Or “dude.” We are suggesting that Dex is Ken because we can imagine him getting up every morning and reassuring himself that he’s “Kenough,” and that he can do “lots of stuff.” As long as Joss tells him it’s OK and allowed.

Josslyn Jacks and Dex Are Fantastic

And aren’t we lucky that Port Charles’s own Barbie and their own Ken have found each other? Soon they’ll have their own dream house, their convertible, and their own slide into the Metro Pool. What could be more perfect? And what could possibly ever come between such an ideal couple?


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